Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy New Year!!

For all who read my blog (if anyone), wishing you a Happy New Year!

Looking back at 2011, it was a really tough one. I learnt about heart break for one. I know, I know, so unbelievably cheesy, but trust me, I thought I was in love when I was 15, little did I know. Even a year on there is a slight pain when I think of him, that shows just how much he meant to me. But I'm glad that part of my life is in the past. I hope a new year will allow me to close the door on that.
Work has seen some really really tough times that have tested us all, myself mostly. And I have really had to fight. Yes, I have been ill in the past and had to fight then, but nothing quite like this time. But it made me ten times stronger. I don't regret it for a second and it made me realise my love for youth work and most of all, the YCW. And so I will take that new enthusiasm and love for my work into 2012, along with a greater strength then ever before. You can't get weaker, it's not possible. I thought I was strong, then I got stronger.
My faith has been challenged, a new experience for me. It's been tough but I'm getting there. I'm taking the right steps.
I've made many new friends. I don't think I have lost any friends, which is nice!
Family life hasn't been smooth running but we have pulled through together. It isn't over yet but we are getting there, which is nice.
And so I look to 2012.
And what a year it's gonna be! The olympics are coming to the UK and so is YCW's international congress! And although I may collapse at the end of it, I pray each day I will push to the end of it cos if I manage to it's going to be one of the most amazing things I will ever have the opportunity to be part of! As you can tell, I'm so unbelievably excited, if not slightly scared!
So work is going to extremely busy, but really good busy.
I am also seeing Steps, Westlife twice, including their last ever show in Croke Park (!!!!) and Michael McIntyre. I cannot wait, I consider myself incredibly lucky!!
Big family birthdays mean a big family party!

And I'm sure there are many more beautiful things coming my way. Compared to last year,
I can't believe how far I have come and know I still have so far to go! I love starting the year on a much more positive note than last year, it gives me a good feeling!

I hope the New Year brings for you all that you hope and dream for as well.

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