Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Fr Joseph Cardijn

The founder of YCW, a truly inspirational man. I thought I would share some of his thoughts:

'When man is on the moon, YCW will be there also'.
'Every young person is worth more than all the gold in the world because they are sons and daughters of God'.
'We are setting out to conquer the world'.
'Give me leaders and I will raise the world'.

'Young workers are not machines, or animals or slaves. They are the sons, the daughters, the collaborators, the heirs of God. 'He gave them the power to become the sons of God... partakers of the Divine Nature'. That is their sole true destiny, the reason of their existence, their life, and their work, the source of all their rights and all their duties'.

'The true leader never remains alone, they have to form a team, a YCW group, a little community in which each knows each other and is not afraid to talk'.

'The first and immediate apostle to a young worker is another young worker'.

'A leader is a young worker who has come to understand the enormous responsibility he/she has in life with regards to other young workers. He has an influence on other young workers. It is he who brings the YCW into being, he is the first YCW'.

'Everything by the leaders- nothing without the chaplain'.

'This mission given to God by all men finds its fullest expression in the lay apostolate. It consists in 'building a world to God's will, a fraternal humanity where the humble are loved and, helped by their brothers' witness to the presence and the life of God, for the establishment of peace and glory'.

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