Monday, 17 October 2011

Prayers by Brother Roger of Taize

'God of goodness, even when we are far from you, you never cease to love us and you are waiting for us.
By your presence and your forgiveness, you become our peace.'

'Jesus our hope, in us you kindle a spark of light.
It allows us to come close to your compassion.
And even in our sufferings you bring to birth a spirit of inner strength and of mercy'.

'Holy Spirit, Spirit of compassion, you breathe in us upon what is fragile.
You transfigure our impossibilities into trust, the confidence that you are at work in each one of us'.

'God of compassion, you want no one to suffer, but you take upon yourself every human trial.
As we attempt to love you, we want to be able, in our turn, to forgive over and over again'.

'Jesus our peace, in your Gospel you tell us:
when we come together in your name, you are there in our midst.
Your presence is invisible but, through the Holy Spirit, you always dwell in our hearts'.

'God of peace, even if an inner fog causes us to drift far from the trusting faith, you do not abandon us.
And we realise that the simple desire for God is already the beginning of faith'.

'Holy Spirit, comforting spirit, we want to go forward by discovering what you expect of us.
And our life opens up to your presence; it comes to bring to fulfillment in us what we never even dared hope for'.

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