Sunday, 8 May 2011

My Genesis Continued

I missed some important faith milestones out in my last post called My Genesis so I will add them here.

My Confirmation - This was a very important milestone in my faith. At the time my depression was fairly new and I was quite unwell and was so very scared. I was very sure I wanted to make my confirmation as I was ready to take responsibility for my faith development, even if I wasn't sure how to. Unlike many in my group, I was excited about my confirmation and hopeful that it would really help me.
And I truely believed it did. First of all, my confirmation name is Mary. My initial reason for this choice was after my Grandma, who was such an important part of my life. But this was also where my great love for the Virgin Mary began and where she became my role model in faith.I didn't necessarily know all this at the time, it has developed but Mary showed great trust and faith in the Lord, to allow herself to give of herself fully and do God's will. This is a model I try to follow, an example I want to copy, something I strive for in life and pray for all the time. And this is part of the reason why Lourdes is such an important place for me. Also Mary is a huge influence in my life as I hope to be a great mother one day, being a mum is one of the greatest things I look forward to in life. And Mary as a mother is a perfect example for me to follow.
My confirmation was also a huge milestone as I truely believe that I was filled with the holy spirit that day. I have said in previous posts that I truely believe I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for my faith and this is because I believe the holy spirit gives me that great strength and courage not to give up. I met a deacon in Lourdes who told me about how he believes in the importance of reflecting and looking back as that is when you see the Holy Spirit working and alive in your life. This is so true and I find myself blessed that I have the ability to look back and reflect as not only is it through this that I can see the Holy Spirit alive in my life, giving me increased faith in it, but I am able to learn, develop and grow.

Another huge milestone in my faith was my school retreat weekend to Soli House, a catholic youth retreat centre.
The weekend deepened my faith. But it also meant I was surrounded by people on the same journey as me and even those who aren't big with their faith were touched by the weekend. But I felt very much surrounded by like minded people. I was also inspired by the workers there and walked away from the weekend saying I want to do that one day. Ok, that's not exactly where I have ended up but that definitely set a spark for a passion to work in youth ministry, I was obviously just waiting for an opportunity to present itself. I think I also found my vocation to be a social worker around the same time and maybe the drive for that took over slightly and the retreat centre job became more a dream if I got a chance. Now I'm working in Catholic Youth Ministry, living the dream.

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